(A) the lease-loan buyer is not required to make
(B) with lease-loan buying there is no requirement of
(C) lease-loan buyers are not required to make
(D) for the lease-loan buyer there is no requirement of
(E) a lease-loan does not require the buyer to make
Official Answer: E
auto mobile loan goes with lease loan only
cross out
Ans E
Parallelism is tested here.
The things that are compared should be parallel in construction.
In the original sentence AUTOMOGOLE LOAN is compared with LEASE-lOAN-BUYER.
Therefore the correct comparosaion is made in choice E.
By AVANISHJOSHI, at June 15, 2008 5:56 AM
need explanation for qn 891-950
, atE is the correct answer. Unlike is used at the beginning of the statement. So look for comparision error. Loan is compared with buyers in the main statement and this comparision is wrong. 'B'starts with 'With'but we would need a clause with subject. subject can not be found after a preposition. So 'b' is wrong.'c' says lease -loan buyers which is wrong for the reason mentioned for main statement (a).'d' is wrong too for the same reason. 'E' properly compares/contrasts loan with another type of loan.
By ram kumar, at October 23, 2014 11:19 AM