(A) could rival it for
(B) were the rivals of it in their
(C) were its rival as to
(D) could be its rivals in their
(E) were rivaling its
Official Answer: A

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Created and maintained by a few fellow GMAT Test takers from 2006 2nd Quarter.
subject & verb agreement,tense agreement
"it"agrees "Amsterdam"
"could"is the best here for "St. Peter’s in Rome, the Escorial in Spain, and the Palazza Ducale in Venic"
Why not D? It has the same advantages.
D is wordy, besides 'rival for' is correct idiom.
Wonderful information and very well said. Have you ever written about a specific graduate program called the executive healthcare management degree? It's an EMBA graduate degree but I can't find much information on whether or not that is a good idea for a medical professional to take that option to upgrade their career. Locally, there are lots of Dallas universities with high quality emba rankings but it's hard to find the specific information on the healthcare arm of the program.