(A) little water or services exist
(B) little water or services exists
(C) few services and little water exists
(D) there is little water or services available
(E) there are few services and little available water
Official Answer: E

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can someone explain the OA??
"Where & there " exist together
So, we can home on to last two choices
little water and few services are to be taken together that is why we use "are"
C is wrong because it contains exists...it shold hv been exist....so the correct ans is E
I don't understand why it cann't be a D. How do you know its "A or B" verses "A and B" both are possible.
If it meant "or" -
it is similar to "oranges ,grapes or banana is good for me"
If it menat "and"
It is similar to "oranges,grapes and banana are good for me".
Does that make sense? Pls help.
"there are few services and little available water"
Service is countable, so "few" is to be used and water is uncountable so "little" is to be used.
Only E satisfy this condition.
As the little water is singular and few services are plural so we need to use conjunction AND so that it becomes compound subject.
and only E supports the sentence with compound sub and plural verb
Service is countable, so "few" is to be used and water is uncountable so "little" is to be used.
Choices C and E satisfies this. But in choice C, 'and' between few services & little water makes it plural while 'exists' is singular. Thus choice E is correct.