(A) doubted that Troy had ever existed
(B) doubt that Troy has ever existed
(C) were in doubt as to the existence of Troy
(D) were doubtful concerning Troy’s existence
(E) had doubts about Troy’s ever existing
Official Answer: A

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Should the answer not be C for this. 'were in doubt as to the existence..'
(A) and (C) are candidates for the correct answer. However, (A) is correct in this case.
(A) When a clause follows 'doubt' in a positive sentence, it was formally considered correct to use 'whether': (I doubt whether he will come), but now 'if' and 'that' are also acceptable. Therefore, (A) is correct and conciser than (C).
(C) 'in doubt as to sth' is a correct idiom: (If you are in any doubt as to whether you should be doing these exercises, consult with your doctor.) However, this sentence has a slightly different meaning that many historians doubted whether Troy existed during the Renaissance. In addition, this expression is not concise.
IMO A :It may be C also,
Lets see..
Here in quest doubt is on the existance of Troy .. which is xplain by option A.
In option C if we read carefully doubt is going towards historians..
So ans A.
It can't actually work, I believe so.