(A) lower than in
(B) lower than that of
(C) and lower than that of
(D) which is lower than in
(E) which is lower than it is in
Official Answer: B

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Created and maintained by a few fellow GMAT Test takers from 2006 2nd Quarter.
compare incomes of Bhar to the incomes of other countries..
Hence, income of Bihar is lower than that of (incomes of)most other countries
why not E?
in E "which" may take the meaning of Bihar, instead of average income
Is "E" not the answer?
Can someone explain why "B" is the answer and why can't "E: be right? I marked E thinking that which grabs the word immediately before it.
Can we please replace this question with a different question. This question could be offensive to people from Bihar. Thanks
lower than making comparison between income and income.
A X compare income to country
C X because of and
D X same as A
E X no need of pronoun it when concise and proper version that of available
and which in E makes it wrong
noun/income lower than noun/income no need of which in it.