Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
(A) Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
(B) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.
(C) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to Loch Ness’s, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.
(D) Like Loch Ness’ reputed monster, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
(E) Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
Official Answer: B
(A) Like the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
(B) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to the one reputed to live in Loch Ness, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.
(C) Inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster” similar to Loch Ness’s, which, like Lake Champlain, is an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river.
(D) Like Loch Ness’ reputed monster, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
(E) Similar to that reputed to live in Loch Ness, inhabitants of the area around Lake Champlain, also an inland lake connected to the ocean by a river, claim sightings of a long and narrow “sea monster.”
Official Answer: B