Wednesday, April 26, 2006


To spread the word about mortgage servicers, a fact sheet that outlines one’s legal rights if you get caught in a mortgage serving mess has been put together by the Federal Trade Commission.

(A) a fact sheet that outlines one’s legal rights if you get caught in a mortgage serving mess has been put together by the Federal Trade Commission
(B) an outline of one’s legal rights has been put together by the Federal Trade Commission if one gets caught up in a mortgaging mess on a fact sheet
(C) should you get caught in a mortgaging mess, a fact sheet outlining your legal rights has been put together by the Federal Trade Commission
(D) there is a fact sheet put together by the Federal Trade Commission, which outlines one’s legal rights in a mortgage servicing mess
(E) the Federal Trade Commission has put together a fact sheet that outlines your legal rights if you get caught in a mortgage servicing mess

Official Answer: E

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posted by Ravanan at Wednesday, April 26, 2006

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